Medical Supplies Targeted by Scammers

hospital masks

It’s important to stay vigilant in doing some due diligence when purchasing from vendors. Especially during these times, many front as legitimate sales operations while their only aim is to target thos e in need.

FBI said that government agencies aiming to buy critical items like ventilators have unknowingly transferred funds to threat actors.

Much has been publicized about the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies for healthcare facilities in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the FBI is warning that threat actors are taking advantage of efforts to procure PPE and critical equipment such as ventilators with new business email compromise (BEC) and other scams aimed at defrauding those seeking the supplies.

In a warning posted to the FBI website, the law-enforcement agency said it was aware of “multiple incidents” in which state government agencies were duped into sending advance funds to both domestic and foreign fraudulent brokers and sellers of things like N95 masks and gowns.